ITGM 721 – Environments for Games

ITGM 721 – Environments for Games

This course centers on the physical building of virtual worlds and the aesthetic/game play needs associated with these worlds. Students create a variety of level types, including indoor and outdoor world levels, and then optimize those worlds for export to industry-standard game engines.

Level Design Diagram [click the images to enlarge]

SomaaLayout SomaaConnections SomaaPuzzle1 SomaaPuzzle2 Ifedayo Ojomo


School_1stfloor_003 Boiler_Room_Puzzle Kelli Baskett

level_diag_aj_01 level_diag_aj_02 Ajani Boganey

ABOutdoorLevelDiagram ABIndoorLevelDiagram DragonPuzzle Tim Chrismer

Blueprints Puzzle Room Matthew Roberts

Screenshots from the 3D Level [click the images to enlarge]

aj_01 aj_03 aj_05

aj_06 aj_07 aj_11 Ajani Boganey

kelli01 kelli02 kelli03

kelli04 kelli05 kelli06 Kelli Baskett

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